
What services are offered?

I am excited to offer a full range of services. I have experience providing traditional 1:1 therapy, group therapy, parent education & coaching, in-service training for preschool staff, as well as, consulting on complex cases, attending IEP meetings & medical appointments with families.


Do you have questions about your child's speech, language, or feeding skills? Call or email to complete a free screening to determine if a full evaluation is warranted. Here are some important early milestones:

  • By age 1...children can say 1-2 words

  • By age 2...children can put 2 words together such as "more milk"

  • By age 3...a listener should understand 75% of what a child says


A comprehensive evaluation is needed to determine if a child would benefit from speech, language, and/or feeding therapy. It includes a case history, family interview, standardized and/or non-standardized measures, oral mechanism exam, observation and data collection, and analysis of collected samples. Some evaluations focus on more specific areas such as feeding and swallowing function or stuttering. Assessments are used to determine the child's current level of functioning, areas of strength, and areas for growth. Recommendations are made at the time of the evaluation.

  • Length of Evaluation: 1 hour

  • Evaluations are typically completed one time each year

  • Detailed Evaluation Reports are provided & reviewed with the family


Comprehensive evaluation results are used to determine the recommended frequency, length of sessions, and duration of therapy. Therapy sessions are typically 30, 45, or 60 minutes in length. The child's age, diagnosis, and severity of the disorder are used to determine the appropriate length of therapy session. Therapy is available in the clinic setting, in the home environment, at preschools, or private schools. Telehealth visits are also available. Why is therapy important? Research shows that early diagnosis and treatment increases the chances for improvement.

Speech and/or Feeding Therapy is used to work on:

  • Speech Sounds - how we say sounds and put sounds together into words. This includes: articulation or phonological disorders, apraxia, or dysarthria.

  • Language - how well we understand what we hear or read and how we use words to tell others what we are thinking. This may impact reading, spelling, & writing.

  • Social Communication - how well we follow rules, like turn taking, how to talk to different people, or how close to stand to someone when talking.

  • Voice - how our voices sound. We may sound hoarse, lose our voice easily, or talk too loudly.

  • Stuttering - how well our speech flows. Someone who stutters may repeat sounds or words.

  • Feeding & Swallowing - how well we suck, chew, and swallow food & liquid. A swallowing disorder may lead to poor nutrition, weight loss, or other health problems.

*INSURANCE: Please contact me regarding which insurance plans I am an in-network provider


  • In-service & staff training

  • Parent education & coaching

  • Consulting on complex cases

  • Attending team meetings & medical appointments with families

*Please contact me for rates and more information regarding these services.


  • Early Language Stimulation - using play, music, & signs to boost communication skills in toddlers

  • Social Communication Skills - using games to boost the use of language in social contexts

*Please contact me for rates and more information regarding groups.